What We Do
The Award challenges young people to develop skills and tools to improve themselves and theircommunities by encouraging them to go beyond their comfort zone. IAYP unique framework is designed to help them discover that they are more capable and
powerful than they think.
How do we do it?
The Award is about individual challenge and
developing a sense of commitment. With guidance
from Award Leaders, each young person is
encouraged to examine themselves – their interests,
abilities and ambitions – then set challenges in the
four different sections of the Award – Voluntary
Service, Physical Recreation, Skills and Adventurous
Journey (with a fifth section – Residential Project – at
Gold Level only)

Our Impact
Leaders around the world are recognising the
importance of non-formal education. Our
international research shows a significant positive
impact on:
- improved mental health and emotional wellbeing
- improved employability and earning potential
- improved physical health and fitness
- increased engagement with charitable and
community causes - increased social cohesion